Triangle Ash Trees
Hello Highland Park residents,
You have an opportunity to make a difference in our neighborhood.
Four Ash trees on the Triangle have succumbed to the deadly Emerald Ash Borer and must be removed. The City has been removing dead Ash trees throughout Lafayette all year and will continue to do so for the next 3-4 years. The City Forester is aware of the condition of these particular four trees on the Triangle, along with many others in the neighborhood, and they are on the City’s tree removal list. However, many residents have approached the Highland Park Neighborhood Association asking for “something to be done” sooner.
HPNA has been granted one-time use of the City’s significantly discounted tree removal rate. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, we need to act quickly and need your financial assistance. We are asking Highland Park neighbors to contribute toward the removal of these trees in our community greenspace. HPNA will match donated funds to meet our goal.
What: Four dead or dying Ash trees on the Triangle
When: Removal will take place in November and December
Cost: 3 trees @ $175 each + 1 tree @ $465 = $990 estimated total cost
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Why are these trees dead/dying? The Emerald Ash Borer has infected them. The borer is an insect that invades the trunk of the tree and disrupts its ability to transport water and nutrients.
Can our trees be saved? Not the Ash trees on the Triangle; these four are either dead or untreatable.
Isn’t the Triangle part of the City’s Parks Department? Yes, it is. Nevertheless, we understand that with the City’s removal priority list and tight budget, it may take 1-3 years before these trees are addressed.
Why remove them now? The contractor has agreed to allow HPNA access to City rates for the remainder of the contract period (31DEC2015). We could wait 1-3 years for the City to remove them; but, they are considered hazardous and will continue to be a neighborhood eyesore.
Will these trees be replaced? Yes, but not immediately. HPNA is looking into this.
Can I get a dead Ash tree removed from my yard too? Yes and no…this removal service is for dead or untreatable Ash trees located in City right-of-way ONLY. If you have a dead Ash tree in the strip between the street and your sidewalk, you may receive the City rate to have it removed. Removal must be coordinated through HPNA, pre-paid, and completed by December 31, 2015. Reduced rates DO NOT include stump removal. The City will remove stumps in the right-of-way at a later date and at their expense.
Please join your neighbors in helping to keep the Triangle beautiful and safe. You may donate using the form on this page or by check made payable to HPNA with “Triangle Tree Removal” in the memo. Please respond by October 25; removal will start in early November. Donations are NOT tax-deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenelle Rotar or Keith Alyea. Thank you for your continuing improvements to the distinctive place that we all call home.
Physical Improvements Team
Highland Park Neighborhood Association