Street Lighting Poll

Thank you for your interest in improving the lighting on Highland Park’s streets. Last fall, many of you signed a petition asking the City of Lafayette to explore the possibility of replacing and/or installing new light fixtures throughout the neighborhood. Residents from more 60 percent of Highland Park’s addresses signed this petition.

The City of Lafayette is supportive of our desire to improve neighborhood lighting and is preparing to move forward with our request. The first step involves replacing existing overhead lights with a more effective and energy-efficient version. The second step involves phasing-in pedestrian-scaled lights to selected areas of the neighborhood. As part of this second step, the City has asked HPNA to choose a preferred light fixture style.

It is important to note that the City of Lafayette and Duke Energy will make the final selection of the light fixture to be installed in our neighborhood. They are asking our opinion, but the ultimate decision is theirs. Additionally, the installation locations and phasing schedule of all new lights is also the decision of the City and Duke. A luminosity study and cost analysis will be completed by Duke using our preferred light selection. The City will then present its findings including proposed locations of new fixtures. We will be asked for our input, but, again, all final decisions will be made by the City.


HPNA’s Physical Improvements Team is asking for your opinion on the preferred style of the pedestrian-scaled light fixtures. These lights will be a new addition to the neighborhood, placed in selected areas. Please select one, Acorn LED or Mini Bell LED. One vote per adult (ages 18 and older) resident, please.

Option A (Acorn)

Option A (Acorn)

Option B (Mini Bell)

Option B (Mini Bell)

This survey closed on June 15 at 11:45pm.

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