The ‘Overlay Zone’ approved by City Council
Update posted here on August 9, 2021:
The overlay was approved by the City Council on August 2 and subsequently signed into law by the city clerk and mayor the same day. Click here to view the signed copy of the overlay.
The information on this page is provided as a service to all residents and property owners in Highland Park. The draft overlay is an addition to Highland Park’s existing single-family zoning. Therefore, it is a matter for all property owners to consider, not just members of the Highland Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA). The draft overlay was created by a committee of HPNA and non-HPNA members representing a broad cross-section of your neighbors.
We urge everyone to review all of the information and determine for yourself if this helps to preserve the character of Highland Park.
Here is the form-based overlay zone document finalized by the Preservation Steering Committee on April 27, 2021.
Form-based overlay Zone Document
What’s this all about? Read the FAQs:
Here is a letter from the mayor regarding the proposed overlay zone:
Here is a timeline outlining the next steps for the adoption of the overlay zone:
Update posted here on June 3, 2021:
The Area Plan Ordinance committee met Tuesday, June 2, 2021 at 4:30 to discuss the Highland Park overlay. The role of the committee is to review ordinance changes and recommend any changes before it is presented to the Area Plan Commission.
Ryan O’Gara, the Associate Director for Area Plan, presented the staff recommendation to the committee. A brief question and answer followed along with a general opening for public comment. Ken Jones, gave a brief description of the process that went into developing the overlay noting that it aligns with the national historic district boundaries. Also noting that we are attempting to preserve the look and feel of Highland Park well into the future. Four property owners from Highland Park were in attendance. No one spoke against the overlay.
The committee voted unanimously to recommend the overlay to the APC for its consideration.
Update posted here on July 8, 2021:
Legal Notice of APC Meeting – Published in the J&C on July 3, 2021
Update posted here on July 16, 2021:
Results of neighborhood survey
Update posted here on July 23, 2021: